Targeted Literature Review
Standard TLR including protocol and ppt report for up to 1,000 Pubmed hits.
Virtual kick-off meeting to agree on PubMed query/search terms and inclusion/exclusion criteria and extraction variables
Automatic PubMed search using a predefined search syntax
Title/abstract and full-text screening by one reviewer
Data extraction of eligible publications by one reviewer
20- to 30-page summary PowerPoint presentation that includes a PRISMA chart
Standard TLR including protocol and ppt report for up to 1,000 Pubmed hits.
Virtual kick-off meeting to agree on PubMed query/search terms and inclusion/exclusion criteria and extraction variables
Automatic PubMed search using a predefined search syntax
Title/abstract and full-text screening by one reviewer
Data extraction of eligible publications by one reviewer
20- to 30-page summary PowerPoint presentation that includes a PRISMA chart
Standard TLR including protocol and ppt report for up to 1,000 Pubmed hits.
Virtual kick-off meeting to agree on PubMed query/search terms and inclusion/exclusion criteria and extraction variables
Automatic PubMed search using a predefined search syntax
Title/abstract and full-text screening by one reviewer
Data extraction of eligible publications by one reviewer
20- to 30-page summary PowerPoint presentation that includes a PRISMA chart