Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Non-Persistence and Non-Adherence of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Therapy with GLP-1Receptor Agonists: A Retrospective Analysis

We used two large retrospective datasets: a German claims dataset and the UK General Practitioner (GP)-based Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) dataset (2010–2012) to assess the level of persistence and adherence to therapy with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients in the United Kingdom (UK) and Germany, also by comparing once- (OD) with twice-a-day (BID) therapy.

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Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Validation of the Adherence Barriers Questionnaire – an instrument for identifying potential risk factors associated with medication-related non-adherence

Medication non-adherence is a major challenge in the real-life treatment of chronically ill patients. To meet this challenge, adherence interventions with a tailored approach towards patient-specific adherence barriers identified with a reliable and practicable questionnaire are needed. This investigation aimed to develop and validate such a questionnaire, the “Adherence Barriers Questionnaire (ABQ)”.

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Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Nonadherence in Outpatient Thrombosis Prophylaxis with Low Molecular Weight Heparins after Major Orthopaedic Surgery

According to some current guidelines, extended thromboprophylaxis after hip and knee arthroplasties is recommended. Outpatient prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) is an important part of this prophylaxis, although the rates of adherence to these regimens are unknown. We determined (1) the degree of nonadherence (NA) of patients with LMWH outpatient prophylaxis and (2) whether specific independent factors explain NA.

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