Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Questionnaire for the assessment of adherence barriers of intravitreal therapy: the ABQ‑IVT

The previously validated (indications: atrial fibrillation, human immunodeficiency virus, chronic inflammatory lung disease) Adherence Barriers Questionnaire (ABQ) was revised according to specifications of IVT, within the framework of an expert panel. A cross-sectional patient survey was conducted in combination with a retrospective medical chart review in order to validate the developed new instrument (ABQ-IVT).

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Publication AB Publication AB

Adaption and validation of the adherence barriers questionnaire for HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy (ABQ-HIV)

The aim of this investigation was to develop and validate a respective questionnaire (Adherence Barriers Questionnaire for HIV: ABQ-HIV), based on an earlier version of the ABQ.

The study showed that the ABQ-HIV is a practical, reliable, and valid instrument for identifying patient-specific barriers to

adherence in the HIV treatment that is also useful in identifying HIV patient subgroups.

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Publication AB Publication AB

Treatment of age-related neovascular macular degeneration:the patient’s perspective

The aim of this study was to assess patients’ views and xpectations with regard to neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) and intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy (IVT).

This multicenter, non-interventional, prospective cohort study showed that only a minority of patients are aware of the chronic nature of nAMD. To motivate patients to accept a life-long IVT treatment, physicians and caregivers must know that there exist different patient types with significant differences in communication needs.

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