Association between asthma control and healthcare costs: Results from a German linked data study
This study aimed to evaluate differences in healthcare resource utilization and cost among patients with controlled and uncontrolled asthma. Claims data from a German sickness fund was linked to patient survey data. Outpatient physicians enrolled patients and assessed asthma control using the ACT questionnaire. All-cause and asthma-specific healthcare resource use (HCRU)/costs were compared descriptively and based on multivariable models using a continuous ACT score.
Identifying the Causes Increasing the Risk of Non‑Adherence in Adult Patients with Asthma: An Analysis Combining Patient Survey Data with German Claims Data
A multi-center observational study was conducted addressing adult patients with asthma who were prescribed regular maintenance medication between 2014 and 2016 to identify the potential barriers to medication adherence among adult patients with asthma in Germany. Data were derived from physicians’ documentation and claims data, which were linked to the primary observational data and patient survey data (Adherence Barriers Questionnaire - ABQ).