Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Patient Preferences for Oral Anticoagulation Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Literature Review

Since the introduction of non-vitamin K antagonist (VKA) oral anticoagulants (NOACs), an additional treatment option, apart from VKAs, has become available for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). For various reasons, it is important to consider patients’ preferences regarding the type of medication, particularly given the established relationship between preferences towards treatment, associated burden of therapy, and treatment adherence. This review aimed to systematically analyze the scientific literature assessing the preferences of AF patients with regard to long-term oral anticoagulant (OAC) treatment.

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Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Validation of the Adherence Barriers Questionnaire – an instrument for identifying potential risk factors associated with medication-related non-adherence

Medication non-adherence is a major challenge in the real-life treatment of chronically ill patients. To meet this challenge, adherence interventions with a tailored approach towards patient-specific adherence barriers identified with a reliable and practicable questionnaire are needed. This investigation aimed to develop and validate such a questionnaire, the “Adherence Barriers Questionnaire (ABQ)”.

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