Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Questionnaire for the assessment of adherence barriers of intravitreal therapy: the ABQ‑IVT

The previously validated (indications: atrial fibrillation, human immunodeficiency virus, chronic inflammatory lung disease) Adherence Barriers Questionnaire (ABQ) was revised according to specifications of IVT, within the framework of an expert panel. A cross-sectional patient survey was conducted in combination with a retrospective medical chart review in order to validate the developed new instrument (ABQ-IVT).

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Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Identifying the Causes Increasing the Risk of Non‑Adherence in Adult Patients with Asthma: An Analysis Combining Patient Survey Data with German Claims Data

A multi-center observational study was conducted addressing adult patients with asthma who were prescribed regular maintenance medication between 2014 and 2016 to identify the potential barriers to medication adherence among adult patients with asthma in Germany. Data were derived from physicians’ documentation and claims data, which were linked to the primary observational data and patient survey data (Adherence Barriers Questionnaire - ABQ).

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Publication AB Publication AB

Adaption and validation of the adherence barriers questionnaire for HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy (ABQ-HIV)

The aim of this investigation was to develop and validate a respective questionnaire (Adherence Barriers Questionnaire for HIV: ABQ-HIV), based on an earlier version of the ABQ.

The study showed that the ABQ-HIV is a practical, reliable, and valid instrument for identifying patient-specific barriers to

adherence in the HIV treatment that is also useful in identifying HIV patient subgroups.

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Publication Sabrina Müller Publication Sabrina Müller

Validation of the Adherence Barriers Questionnaire – an instrument for identifying potential risk factors associated with medication-related non-adherence

Medication non-adherence is a major challenge in the real-life treatment of chronically ill patients. To meet this challenge, adherence interventions with a tailored approach towards patient-specific adherence barriers identified with a reliable and practicable questionnaire are needed. This investigation aimed to develop and validate such a questionnaire, the “Adherence Barriers Questionnaire (ABQ)”.

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